Experience the Power of Rasp

Discover the key advantages that make Rasp the ultimate solution for optimising your operations. Harness the capabilities of our platform to drive efficiency, make data-driven decisions, and achieve operational excellence.
Line Drawing of Ship, Truck, Airplane

Made for Dynamic Environments

Rasp is purpose-built to tackle the unique challenges faced in dynamic demand and scheduling environments. Our platform is designed to empower sectors including ports, airlines, transport, manufacturing, and food production to navigate complex demand patterns, optimise resource allocation, and make informed decisions strategically and in real-time.

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Detailed Labor Modeling

With Rasp, you can harness the power of detailed labour modeling. Our platform incorporates advanced features such as award interpretation, payroll conditions, fatigue calculations, and more. By leveraging this level of detail, you can optimise labour scheduling with precision and accuracy, ensuring compliance and promoting fairness and transparency in rostering.

A computer with charts and a magnifying glass

Powerful Insights for Data-Driven Decisions

Unlock powerful insights for data-driven decisions with Rasp. Our platform provides advanced data analysis and visualisation capabilities, empowering you to gain valuable insights from complex operational data. With these insights at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions, identify patterns, and communicate findings effectively to stakeholders.

A circle with arrows between a person, a question mark and a truck

A Powerful Tool for Operations

Rasp is designed with operations staff in mind. We understand the value of user-friendly tools that don't require extensive technical expertise. With Rasp, operations teams can directly engage with simulations, models, and scheduling, eliminating the dependency on developers and analysts. Experience the freedom to take control of your operations with ease.

Rasp Digital Twin Platform

Optimise your operations and workforce strategically and operationally from a single powerful platform.
By creating a digital twin of your plant, personnel, and operations, you can test changes in a risk-free virtual environment and streamline your dynamic rostering, bringing longer-term planning into your day-to-day operations.

Unleash the Potential of Simulations

With Rasp's simulation capabilities, you can explore different scenarios, identify bottlenecks, and analyse outcomes to gain valuable insights.
Simulate real-world conditions, test strategies, and make informed decisions, all within a dynamic and user-friendly environment.

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Measure the Impacts of Changes

Measure the impacts of changes to your operations with confidence and transparency.

Assess the effects of modifications, improvements, or interventions on various aspects of your operations.

How we can help you

Predict Future Outcomes

Predict future outcomes based on different scenarios and variables.

By simulating various situations, you can gain insights into how dynamic demand and resource scheduling decisions can impact your operations, enabling better decision-making.

How we can help you

Simulation and What-if Analysis

Simulate and test different strategies and interventions before implementing them. This helps you evaluate the effectiveness of potential solutions, assess risks, and make informed decisions based on data-driven insights.

How we can help you

Data Analysis and Visualization

Rasp provides powerful data analysis capabilities, allowing users to analyze and visualize complex operational data.

Gain insights, identify patterns, and communicate findings effectively to stakeholders.

How we can help you

Streamline Rostering and Compliance

Streamline your staff scheduling and ensure compliance effortlessly. Optimise resource allocation with precision, considering employment regulations, award interpretation, payroll conditions, and fatigue conditions. Maximise operational efficiency and fairness with Rasp's detailed staff modelling capabilities.

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Increase Rostering Time Horizon for Enhanced Planning

Extend your rostering time horizon for more effective planning. With Rasp, you can go beyond short-term scheduling and gain the ability to plan your workforce further into the future. This extended time horizon allows you to better anticipate staffing needs, improve resource allocation, and enhance overall operational planning and responsiveness.

How we can help you

Unlock Scenario Planning in Your Day-to-Day Operations

Empower your workforce with scenario planning capabilities. Unleash the potential of Rasp to simulate different staffing scenarios, evaluate their impact on your operations, and proactively plan for varying demand levels.

By incorporating scenario planning into your day-to-day operations, you can ensure optimal resource allocation and responsiveness to dynamic staffing needs.

How we can help you

Integrate with Demand and HR Systems

Integrate Rasp with your demand and HR systems. Achieve streamlined staff scheduling and compliance effortlessly. Optimise resource allocation with precision, ensuring adherence to employment regulations, award interpretation, payroll conditions, and fatigue conditions. Experience the benefits of maximised operational efficiency and fairness with Rasp's detailed staff modelling capabilities.

How we can help you

Ready to take control of your operations?

Harness the power of Rasp's rostering and simulation capabilities to streamline resource allocation, ensure compliance, and make data-driven decisions.

Contact us now to explore how Rasp can empower your business.

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